When we buy products, we all want to know where it comes from but with an expanding global economy this has become more difficult. Companies purchase US-based EAN/UPC barcodes while continuing to manufacture overseas.
Download the Made in America App
The Great American Buyback is a MASSIVE DATABASE of products Made in the USA used to identify products that are Made in the America quickly, easily and (most importantly) accurately. Rather than just use country of origin codes embedded in the EAN barcode (which is highly inaccurate) our Made in America app uses the latest machine learning technologies to identify the products county of origin.
Unlike other made in apps, if we get a product’s country of origin wrong, you have the ability to report the inaccuracy. Your report is immediately entered into the Great American Buyback Database and verified in real-time to ensure it’s Made in America. By crowd sourcing accurate information on American Made Products, each time you scan a product you not only help others quickly identify products made in the USA but also encourage them to support locally made, American-made products.